Acupuncture process is greatly utilized by several people in various countries. It is greatly popular in America, but is often used even more in countries such as France. People see it as natural way to relieve stress. It significantly boosts the healing processing of the body, and enhances the immune system. It also makes the body release endorphin, which is regarded as a natural painkiller. The process can increase your blood flow greatly, while also altering your brain activity for better.
Basis of Acupuncture
Acupuncture therapy involves correcting the flow of energy, known as Qi. Yin and Yang, which the Chinese believe are two forces out of which the universe and the body are made, must remain in balance. When the balance between them is disrupted, the body goes unhealthy. Qi, an energy, which flows in a specific path, called meridians, maintains this balance. When the flow of this energy is disrupted, so does the balance of Yin and Yang. Acupuncture methods retain the flow of energy by stimulating the body’s acupuncture points. If you are located in New York, you can avail this therapy by going to the Best acupuncturist in NYC.
Basic Procedure
Acupuncture process mainly involves stimulation of anatomic points, commonly referred to as acupuncture points or acu points. Small and Fine needles are inserted into these points to stimulate it. The main nervous system is directly stimulated with it, which affects the pathways concerning psychological system inside of the brain and its periphery. The stimulation greatly relieves the body, and has the effect of curing several disorders such as anxiety, headache, depression, infertility and insomnia.
Acupuncturists, who are having expertise in inserting the needles, practices the process. Clinics, such as the Acupuncturist Upper East Side consists of one of the best Acupuncturist. They are thoroughly knowledgeable in their field, and know how to handle the needles with care. If the needles are inserted in wrong places or with extreme pressure, they can harm the body.
Acupuncture Session
The usual acupuncture session starts with the acupuncturist checking your body through physical tests. He or she may also examine your body parts, such as the tongue, and its color etc. Then, you have to lay down on the bed, and the acupuncturist will insert several needles in your body. Most of the people do not feel any pain while the needles are inserted in the body. The needles remain intact within you for 5 to 30 minutes, depending on your therapy needs, which can be consulted with Acupuncture experts such as Dr. Philip A. Trigiani Acupuncture expert. Majority of the people feel relaxation during the therapy, and after the therapy has ended.
Dr. Philip A. Trigiani Acupuncture
201 W 74th St Suite 16G New York, NY 10023