Many of us spend loads of money on toothpaste and mouthwash. Marketers consistently come up with incremental product tweaks to draw our attention as we search for new teeth strengthening solutions. But, there is not one solution and often expensive toothpaste contains chemicals that do more harm than good. Furthermore, whitening products that are designed to give you a Hollywood-star-shine are packed with somewhat concerning substances. While oral hygiene is of the utmost importance, you should not have to sacrifice exorbitant amounts of money or your physical health for stronger and whiter teeth. With the following 6 sustainable teeth strengthening strategies, you will be smiling wide with confidence in no time.
1. Boosting Your Nutrition
Ensuring that you are receiving enough of the right vitamins and minerals can greatly impact the strength of your teeth. Calcium, for example, is arguably the most important mineral for strong teeth. After all, your teeth are largely made up of calcium. Sourcing sufficient levels of calcium will help nurture the development of your teeth and maintain their integrity. Vitamin D is imperative for the body’s ability to absorb calcium. A Vitamin D deficiency can, therefore, lead to tooth decay and unhealthy gums. Potassium, commonly known as Vitamin K, is another substance that plays an important role in preventing the breakdown of teeth. These are just a few of the essential nutrients needed for optimal oral hygiene. While these substances can be sourced from a variety of food products, ideal concentrations can be provided by quality supplements. Authority Reports provides concise reviews which analyze a range of top supplements on the market, to help you make an informed consumer purchase. These reviews provide insight into the most effective and affordable options and, thus, help save you money.
2. Eliminating Sugar
One of the primary contributors to tooth decay is sugar. Sugar is found in abundant quantities within fast foods and other processed goods. Bacteria that builds up in the mouth feeds off of sugar and releases acid as a waste product. The acid dissolves the protective enamel of the teeth and, thus, promotes the formation of cavities. Beyond extreme discomfort and pain, these cavities will mean more trips to the dentist. This will prove extremely expensive in the long run. Cutting down on sugar and brushing after sugary meals is a surefire way of combating tooth decay. While it may seem a challenge at first, this simple and sustainable step is bound to keep your teeth stronger for longer.
3. Brushing With Baking Soda
There are several effective home remedies for healthy, whiter teeth. Baking soda is an ideal substitute for toothpaste that is cost-effective and extremely beneficial. Baking soda has natural whitening properties to help give you the shine you are after. The abrasive nature of this ingredient helps scrub away stains on the teeth. Furthermore, it creates an alkaline environment in the mouth which is not conducive to the growth of bacteria. While baking soda won’t give you white teeth overnight, long-term use can significantly improve their condition. There are a variety of recipes for homemade toothpaste that include baking soda. Have a look at one, as well as a few other healthy homemade products, here.
4. Mouth Washing With Hydrogen Peroxide
Here’s another natural substitute for oral hygiene products. Hydrogen peroxide is known for its whitening and antibacterial properties. It has been used for years as a disinfectant which is testament to its bacteria-fighting potential. This ingredient can be found in many teeth whitening products but at exceptionally high concentrations. Using small quantities of hydrogen peroxide to rinse your mouth is a much safer alternative to the gum-irritating qualities of the potent whitening formulations.
5. Oil Pulling
Oil pulling is the act of swirling oil around the mouth for a lengthy period of time to remove plaque and bacteria. This practice is extremely safe and beneficial. Coconut oil is a popular choice for the process as it is has a fairly neutral flavor and palatable consistency. Coconut oil is known to fight bacteria and alleviate inflammation and, thus, promotes oral hygiene and teeth health.
6. Tongue Scraping
Tongue scraping is an Ayurvedic practice that has several oral hygiene benefits. The practice involves the removal of toxins and bacteria that build up on the tongue with a specially designed stainless steel tongue scraper. The elimination of toxic buildup prevents the formation of plaque that would break down and stain the teeth. These benefits, while predominantly physical, are suggested to have numerous mental and spiritual advantages associated with Ayurveda.
Supplying your body with essential nutrients, removing toxic foods from your diet, and practicing safe oral hygiene is a sustainable way to promote stronger and shinier teeth.