Regular dental checkups are advised to people to keep their health in good shape. These checkups involve detection of the early signs of damage, infection, or decay in the teeth and gums. Some dentists also perform dental cleaning to remove any buildup of plaque in the mouth.
Many people have this question like how many times should you need to go to a dentist for a normal checkup.
Why are dental checkups necessary?
Lack of adequate oral care can lead to health issues such as such as cavities, tooth decay, gingivitis, tooth loss, swollen gums, AIDS, cancer, gum disease, mouth cancer or even diabetes.
By taking excellent dental care, besides regular brushing and flossing, you also need to see a good dentist on a regular basis. Early detection of these problems by visiting a dentist regularly ensures easy detection of health issues and treat them at a manageable stage.
Frequency determined by dental experts
Dental experts believe that people should visit a dentist in every six months. As dental issues are preventable, they can easily be solved at early stages of detection. Also, the frequency of schedule dental visits also depends on the oral hygiene, medical conditions, and habits of a person.
Seeing a dentist two times in a year does well for an average person. People who have existing dental issues would require more frequent visits, i.e., three or four times in a year. On the other hand, people who have little chances of gum disease or cavities would need to check a dentist once a year.
Who falls under high risk zones?
People who are identified with the below mentioned health condition require frequent dental checkups. These conditions make them more susceptible to dental risks.
- Smokers
- Diabetics
- Pregnant women
- People who already have gum disease
- People who have a weak immune system
- People who are prone to building cavities or plaque
The prescribed schedule for dental treatment can change during the life of a person. If you perform good dental care and have not suffered from any dental issues for a couple of years, your dentist may even lengthen the time between your dental visits.
Many of the people don’t pay attention to oral care. Regular dental checkups at recommended intervals of time help in maintaining the best oral care and keeping these issues at bay.