The most talked-about substance in the world is most definitely going to be Marijuana or otherwise known as cannabis, weed, or mary jane. In the previous calendar years, there has been legalization and decriminalization of cannabis seed products; anti-marijuana advocates would use every manner they are capable of using so as to diminish the positive impacts that are brought about through the consumption of this marijuana plant product.
In contrast, the pro-marijuana movement and Marijuana sellers especially would tell you anything so that they can sell their cheap weed products. This cannabis seed product is often advertised as the heavens sent cure capable of curing most of your medical issues. As in most scenarios, the truth is somewhere in between, and therefore, this article will provide you with straight answers once and for all.
Here is a list of some of the common myths and misconceptions about marijuana that you should probably be aware of.
1) Marijuana leads to the use of “harder” narcotics (aka the gateway drug theory)
This is one of the gateway myths and misconception as is one of the best-known theories that the anti-marijuana advocates use in their propaganda angles. Will weed smokers turn into heroin addicts or even opioid addicts? A look at the result from the survey from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health in the year 2017 provided a sample that revealed that an approximately one hundred and twenty-three millions of American citizens were consumers of marijuana; in contrast, only five million three thousand American citizens were heroin users.
Suppose we come up with the assumption that every heroin addict of that five million three thousand American citizens were initially smokers of the mary jane product; we would most certainly come to the conclusion that only four point three percent of the one hundred and twenty-three million of American Citizens have attempted to use heroin.
Therefore, given the low percentage of these statistics, this seems to be a relatively weak correlation between the heroin users and the marijuana users. Thereby the use of one drug substance does not always lead to the cause of an addiction to another drug substance.
Perhaps the best explanation for this myth and misconception between weed and heroin is not biological but psychological and sociological. A person who is a marijuana consumer for the purpose of a coping mechanism for their negative feelings and their problems will most likely seek other more vital drug substances. Still, the concern is not with the consumption of marijuana product, but the individual’s inability to cope with their own emotions.
2) Marijuana is NOT addictive
“I am certainly not addicted to smoking marijuana; I just enjoy smoking this cannabis seed product” this is what most people who are addicted to this drug substance will claim. Perhaps addiction is a harsh word since marijuana is not physically addictive, and ninety percent of the regular marijuana consumer user will most definitely experience no withdrawal symptoms after they stop using this drug substance.
Cannabis tinctures come in two forms: water-soluble and alcohol-soluble. The former dissolves into water while the latter dissolves into alcohol, making it easy to apply them during cooking or drinking tea.