When it comes to Clen, it is considered as a fat burner due to its effectiveness in burning fat in special areas. Clenbuterol works on the sympathetic nervous System and triggers a “fight or flight” response in the body. It works by your body’s increasing the body’s temperature slightly that increases body’s metabolism rate and hence more fat is burnt. Upon stimulating beta-2 receptors it starts lipolysis which frees the fatty acids and releases them into bloodstream. Due to this, triglycerides get eliminated and more fat gets burnt. Clenbuterol expands the muscles, helping the muscle building nutrients to reach the muscles more easily and in greater quantities. An increase in adrenaline rush is caused which allows you to do more work out.
What makes it unique is its ability to preserve lean mass and this is the reason for it to be favorite for weight loss. Another thing that you would like is that with very little efforts, Clen to help you shed those extra calories. Hence, it is getting very popular and many are trying it to lose weight. Continue Reading here for more knowhow and understanding.
Ephedrine is also a fat burner. It works by releasing the fat stored into the blood stream to be used by the body. It also increases the body’s metabolism rate but may cause serious side effects. There is a need for proper diet and exercise with Ephedrine as well.
By looking at how Clen and Ephedrine work, you can see that Clen gives same results as ephedrine.
Taking Clen for weight loss
While Clen is very effective at weight loss, one must pay attention to the dosing factor which can cause some serious side effects like stiffness in heart muscles and in overall functioning of heart itself. The general side effects include insomnia, increased heartbeat, anxiety, cramps, breathing difficulties etc.
Here are some tips to take Clen and stay safe:
- Clen gives great results but there is a definitely a need to combine it with a proper diet and exercise schedule to get great results. In fact, this change in your lifestyle will help you after you have stopped Clen and can help you to maintain your weight.
- The best cycle is to take Clen is 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. This gives your body time to get away from coldness and once you restart, the drug can work more properly.
- As Clen stays in the body for 48 hours, you should always start with low doses of 20mcg per day and then slowly increase it depending on your body’s tolerance. Men can take between 30-140 mcg and women can take 10-40mcg per day.
- You can stack Clen with Anavar or Winstrol to burn more fat. With both these steroids, you can start with Clen in Week1 at 20 mcg and increase it by 20mcg per day till day7 and then start with 20 mcg Anavar or 40 mcg of Winstrol.
- Take Clen before 4pm to avoid insomnia