Though electronic cigarettes have been in the market since a long time, of late, they’ve been marketed and promoted as the safest new alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes. E-cigs come in various forms some of which include Juuls, vape mods, vaporizers and vape pens. Though they’re marketed as the best substitute for combustible cigarettes, the biggest question among the smokers and vapers is whether or not they’re safe for their health. What does the FDA say about these new products?
Do electronic cigarettes possess the ability to reverse the decline in the habit of smoking thereby adding years to your lifespan? Can they support you to quit smoking? Scroll down to know more on this.
Electronic cigarette – A little bit on what it is
You must have read in other posts too that it is a battery-operated device which looks similar to a normal cigarette. These products comprise of nicotine which is the key addictive substance which stimulates and relaxes the user and which is also a natural product of the tobacco plant. The nicotine that is present in tobacco cigarettes makes smoking addictive and the same is also true with juuling and vaping. The electronic devices work by heating the cartridge which consists of the liquids, the flavors, nicotine and chemicals and turning them into vapour. As e-cigs heat the liquid instead of burning it, they are smokeless and therefore less harmful.
How are e-liquids considered safer than tobacco?
The striking difference between the combustible cigarettes and their electronic counterparts is that the former contains tobacco while the latter don’t. But is it just the tobacco which leads to fatal diseases like cancer? Well, definitely not! Tobacco cigarettes contain a long list of harmful and toxic chemicals which have been proved to be harmful and e-cigarettes also contain few of those chemicals, if not all.
Due to the fact that e-cigs are smokeless, there are many who inappropriately assume that e-cigs are safe and that they cause no harm at all. But this is not so. They might be considered safer than tobacco cigarettes but that is in no way similar to calling it a 100% safe product. Anything that you inhale apart from fresh air can be damaging for your lungs. So, no matter what you inhale through electronic cigarettes, they’re certainly going to harm your lungs if you carry on for a long term.
Despite all these researches, it is also true that the e-cigarette companies are transparent about their ingredients and they also claim that their main ingredients are all FDA-certified. Not only that, apart from nicotine, the other ingredients like PG, VG and the flavors are all used in food products. Hence, if you’re a smoker who is trying to quit, seek help of e-cigs but make sure you ditch this habit too as soon as you can.